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Love your neighbor as yourself

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink...” MATTHEW 25:35

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Global Impact Missions

Zion Lutheran’s global missions encompass a wide range of initiatives aimed at spreading the Gospel, serving communities in need, and building up the body of Christ around the world. Our global missions reflect a commitment to sharing the love of Christ with people of all nations and cultures, following the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. 


One significant aspect of our global missions is evangelism and church planting. Missionaries and partners work in diverse contexts, from urban centers to remote villages, to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. This includes proclaiming the Gospel, teaching Scripture, baptizing new believers, and establishing new congregations where believers can grow in their faith and worship together. 


In addition to evangelism, our global missions often involve humanitarian and mercy work. This includes providing relief to communities affected by natural disasters, offering medical care and support to those in need, addressing issues of poverty and hunger, and advocating for justice and human rights. Through these acts of mercy and compassion, we demonstrate the love of Christ in tangible ways, meeting both physical and spiritual needs. 


Our global missions also prioritize theological education and training. This includes equipping pastors, church workers, and lay leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively serve their communities and share the Gospel. We support seminaries, Bible schools, and training programs around the world, empowering local leaders to proclaim God’s Word faithfully and minister effectively within their cultural contexts. 


Furthermore, our global missions often involve partnership and collaboration with local churches and organizations. By working alongside indigenous leaders and churches, we seek to strengthen and support existing ministries, fostering long-term sustainability and growth. This collaborative approach allows for mutual learning, cultural exchange, and shared ministry opportunities, ultimately enriching the global mission of the Church. 


Some of our partners in our global ministry include the following:

Ndoto – For Africa’s Future:

A holistic, Christ-centered community development organization that works in the Obunga slum in Kisumu, Kenya. Founded in 2009 to imitate Jesus as He, in the words of Isaiah 61, has come “to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion – to give them beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, raise up the former devastations; and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.” Learn more here.

Uganda Tree of Life Ministries:

Uganda Tree of Life Ministries (UTOLM) is a Christ-centered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works with partners in Uganda to promote and support the physical and spiritual welfare of the people in central Africa. Founded by Chris Knippa, son of Jerry and Barbara Knippa, they strive to foster soul formation in the young generation, which comprises over half the total population of Uganda. The mission’s primary goal is to bring clean water wells to communities in rural areas, working with partners to find the most desperate situations to build clean water wells that will sustain the villages they reach for generations. Learn more here.

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Local Community Ministry

Zion Lutheran Church supports local communities through a variety of initiatives that reflect its commitment to service and outreach:

Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs): We collaborate with numerous independent organizations that align with our doctrines and practices. These RSOs extend the church’s mission through education, outreach, and social ministry programs. They serve specific community needs, from disaster relief to health care and education, ensuring that the church’s mission impacts a broad spectrum of societal needs.

Lutheran Senior Services: This program specifically focuses on caring for the elderly, providing services such as independent living, assisted living, memory care, long-term care, and rehabilitation. We also offer spiritual care through chaplains and pastoral services, enhancing the quality of life for older adults in the community. This reflects the church’s belief in dignity and care for the elderly.

Community Outreach and Mission Work: We are involved in direct community service and international missions. This includes everything from local food drives and supporting homeless shelters to international mission trips aimed at providing education, medical care, and evangelism.

Education and Youth Programs: We place a strong emphasis on education, operating our school that provides community education from early childhood through 8th grade. We also have youth programs that engage young people in faith-based activities and community service.

Run Pony Run: Our community service initiative has demonstrated a commendable track record of assistance and disaster relief, orchestrated by members of Zion. This program has been integral in providing vital support during several natural disasters. Following Hurricane Harvey, our team undertook the repair of damaged roofs and the restoration of a camp. In response to the devastating floods in Baton Rouge, our volunteers were promptly on site to assist in the cleanup efforts. After a tornado ravaged Rowlett, our team was there to aid in debris removal. Moreover, during the severe wildfires in West Texas, which resulted in extensive damage to pastures and left cattle without feed, we transported thousands of pounds of feed to support the affected livestock. 

Our efforts exhibit our faith-based principles with practical actions to support and uplift local communities, fostering environments where both spiritual and physical needs are addressed. 

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