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Make a joyful noise to the
LORD, all the earth!

"Praise Him with trumpet, harp, strings and flutes...
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD..." PSALMS 150:1-6

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The Choir, under the direction of the Minister of Music, sings approximately three times a month for worship and at least twice a year for concerts as part of Zion’s Concert Series. The Choir is made up of about 30 men and women, and anyone from high school age on up is welcome to join. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Childcare is provided.

Adult Handbell Choir

Zion currently has one adult handbell choir consisting of 11 dedicated people who play on 3 octaves of handbells. They meet weekly for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings and perform approximately once a month and for major church festivals like Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost, among others. The group is available to travel occasionally for special events and worship services by invitation.


Zion has had a history of robust worship accompanied by the splendid sounds of a pipe organ. In the fall of 2013, Robert Sipe, Inc. of Garland, Texas added a Gemshorn stop at 8′ and 16′ pitch to be played on the positive and great, respectively. For a brief history and specifications of Zion’s organ, click here.


Children’s Choir

Comprised of enthusiastic young voices from elementary to middle school ages, is a vibrant part of our community’s worship and musical education. Guided by dedicated music educators and volunteers, choir members learn vocal techniques and grow in their understanding of worship and faith. Beyond music, the choir serves as a ministry of outreach and evangelism, sharing God’s love through song. Through their involvement, children deepen their faith and connection to God and each other, enriching our worship experience and bringing unity and hope to our community.

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Tour of 1969 Schlickler/1982 Sipe Pipe Organ

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Music reflects rich tradition, Theology and Worship

The music of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) reflects a rich tradition rooted in the principles of Lutheran theology and worship. LCMS music is characterized by its emphasis on congregational participation, the use of hymnody and liturgical settings, and a reverence for the Word of God.

Hymnody plays a central role in LCMS worship, with hymns chosen for their theological depth, scriptural fidelity, and congregational accessibility. The LCMS hymnal contains a diverse selection of hymns, ranging from ancient chants to contemporary compositions, all carefully curated to express the Church’s faith and confession. Hymn singing is often accompanied by organ music, reflecting the instrument’s historical prominence in Lutheran worship.

In addition to hymns, the LCMS also embraces a variety of liturgical settings, including settings of the Divine Service, canticles, and psalmody. These liturgical elements provide a structured framework for worship, guiding participants through the various parts of the service while highlighting key themes of confession, absolution, thanksgiving, and praise.

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Watch the Zion Choir Perform at the National Cathedral

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